Practising Vajrasattva: Purification & the Four Powers with Q&A Class 7

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In this series Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering, abbot of Sera Mey monastery guides us through the Vajrasattva practice text, including the Vajrasattva visualisation and One Hundred Syllable Mantra. 

He places a particular emphasis on the Four Powers, a powerful psychological approach central to any purification practice, and leads us through the single deity practice, which doesn’t require an initiation.  Once learned, this can become a quick, easy and indeed indispensable daily practice.  

As usual, Geshe la gives an in depth commentary based on a variety of sources, all in his trademark down to earth style.


 In this special class, it was a real joy to get an extensive guided meditation on the entirety of the Vajrasattva sadhana from Geshe Tashi.

Through his hands-on guidance, Geshe la showed us which parts of the sadhana to emphasise and how to pace our practice for optimum effect.  He spoke to those who were navigating this practice for the first time, as well as those with highest yoga tantra initiation who might like to take the visualisations and practices a bit further. All in all, a spacious and inspiring time out from this troubled world.

We then had a Q&A session.  Geshe la was as intuitive and as informative as ever, and as always, very generous with his time.


We highly recommend you join us for our last class where Geshe la will, once again, guide us through the sadhana and answer your questions.  This time he will be focussing on slightly different areas, so it will certainly be worth joining us once more.

Please send your questions to us in advance at

We’re very much looking forward to a repeat performance on Sunday and seeing you all once more before the Easter break.


With best wishes,


The Admin Team


You can find details of upcoming classes as well as the text available for download here.

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