In this extraordinary series, Geshe Tashi gives us regular updates on the Coronavirus Pandemic amongst the Tibetan diaspora in India through the lens of Sera Monastery, home to around 6,000 monks. In response to emails asking after his welfare and requesting advice on Coronavirus and Buddhist practice, he generously shares his observations, thoughts and advice in his usual warm-hearted and accessible style.
As part of this Practicing Buddhism in a Pandemic series, Geshe Tashi quotes a Time magazine article by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the need for courage and compassion in the face of the Coronavirus. Geshe Tashi elaborates, explaining how we need courage in order to have compassion. Courage does not magically appear from just anywhere. The courage we need comes from our understanding. The courage of the bodhisattva, in particular, comes from understanding the workings of the self-centred mind, and the many serious disadvantages such a narrowly focussed, short-sighted mind will bring. This kind of courage and understanding comes from study, contemplation and meditation.
Taking Helen Keller and a bicycle recycling bin man from Scotland as examples, Geshe Tashi explains how we can use our understanding and skills to help us act with courage, and how these small acts of kindness can make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.
Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering taught in London for over 25 years and is currently Abbot of Sera Mey Monastery in Karnataka State, India.
We hope you enjoy some atmospheric photos of Geshe la doing his weekly Wednesday offering.

Hello dear Geshe-la
A slightly belated reply to this teaching which I watched / listened to two days ago but I was particularly struck by the quote from Helen Keller about how we can be stuck with a door of happiness that has closed, so that we can fail to look one that has opened. Although I’m a lot younger than Helen Keller, I remember hearing and reading about her as I was growing up., but also about her teacher, Anne Sullivan who played such an important role in what Helen went on to achieve. So I wanted to say thank you for all your teachings. Teachers obviously matter a lot!
Thanks GesheTashi inspiring to hear about Helen Keller, your time at Sera, the birdsong in the background and of course your wisdom words from India.
Dear Geshe La, Thankyou for another heartwarming conversation. Inspiration threaded with practical advice. Thankyou for sharing the article by His Holiness too.
The photos were also poignant, with you sitting quietly as the mist and billowing incense surrounded you.
Following Shirley’s comment about the 99 year old gentleman lapping the garden on his walking frame for the NHS, he has now been supported to the tune of 16 million pounds! A small creative idea, an act of kindness which has touched people’s hearts.
We shall go forward with joyful effort!
I so enjoy your videos every other day
Geshe La; they are a wonderful way to start or end the day :))
Courage, good heart and good health to you all at Sera Mey
B :))
Dear Geshela
I also liked your comments with the analogy of ‘Stepping Stones’
Becoming familiar with the goal and with compassion make small steps and maybe extending on that.
Thank you so much for these talks, Geshe-la. Your practical analysis and warm encouragement are invaluable. Keep well!
Good Geshi Tashi…i will try to get me some stepping stones through reading study and contemplation …love the mist in photo also Riwo Sangsho chimney…all very best to you and everyone. X.
Thank you Dear Geshe Tashi
Thank you Khen Rinpoche, it is such a joy to start the day with your wise words, and your heart opening laughter.
With a lot of appreciation, Ani Losang
Tashi delek
Thank you for your valuable teaching. I found the story of the recycling bicycle man heartwarming; a small act of kindness making a big difference to peoples’ lives. Currently here in the UK, an ex army captain is in the news. He is 99 years old, and decided to try and raise one thousand pounds for the NHS, by walking 100 laps of his garden. He uses a walking aid to do this, and started walking yesterday, Tuesday. To date, he has raised 8 million pounds, and said he will just keep walking as long as the money keeps coming in.
Dear Geshe Tashi, thank you for your kindness, so happy to see you and hear about life at Sera