Practicing Buddhism in a Pandemic – Geshe Tashi Tsering’s Coronavirus Update 13th April

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In this extraordinary series, Geshe Tashi gives us regular updates on the Coronavirus Pandemic amongst the Tibetan diaspora in India through the lens of Sera Monastery, home to around 6,000 monks. In response to emails asking after his welfare and requesting advice on Coronavirus and Buddhist practice, he generously shares his observations, thoughts and advice in his usual warm-hearted and accessible style.

In this episode, in the Practicing Buddhism in a Pandemic section, Geshe Tashi once again quotes from 1001 Pearls of Buddhist Wisdom.  Reading and commenting on entries from the Dhammapada, from a Sri Lankan teacher, from a Pali Sutra and quoting Shantideva, he takes as his overall theme how to achieve stillness, tranquillity, equilibrium, and peace in the face of all the disturbing thoughts and emotions that this pandemic brings.

If we come to know the nature of things as they are — their shared nature, such as their impermanence; and their specific nature, for example the body is made up of flesh, molecules and DNA, whereas the mind is not — if we can come to know the nature of things in this way, we can know stillness and peace. 

A tranquil mind, such as one steeped in bodhicitta, won’t be disturbed by praise and blame, loss and gain, and adversity.

A practice that cultivates equilibrium through tackling negative pride and arrogance, that pernicious mind that lurks behind the fronts we present to the world, such a mind of equilibrium won’t be disturbed by praise and blame.

We need to approach our disturbed, upset mind from many different angles, with many different approaches, if we want stillness, calm, tranquillity, equilibrium, peace.  This is one of Geshe Tashi’s signature methodologies, masterfully drawing on many different sources and traditions to help us broaden our minds and gain perspective around suffering and its origin.

Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering taught in London for over 25 years and is currently Abbot of Sera Mey Monastery in Karnataka State, India.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Shelley

    Thank you Geshe la, it is so good to be reminded to not loose ourselves to pride in praise or despair in blame but to keep a more equal mind. Particularly in these times when there is so much strong opinion to be shared widely online with the consequent ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ of social media.
    Glad to hear that you are well.
    Best wishes
    Shelley & Robert

  2. Galia Saouma

    Tashi Delek this is my first posting
    it is so refreshing to listen to your talks which are so informal, and convey news from Mungod, and your monastery. You share in a very nice, warm and meaningful way How life goes on there.
    yet, at the same time, you share deep thoughts explained in such a simple way, that are easy to integrate in our daily life
    What a treat.
    best of the best to all the listeners

  3. Shirley

    Tashi delek
    Thank you for this teaching. Doing the best we can to keep a calm and rational mind will help both ourselves and others, who are experiencing fear, and other troubling states of mind, due to this crisis.. Journey well. Stay safe.

  4. Alison

    Thank you once more for your helpful “blah blah”‘ dear Geshe-la and stay safe and well on your travels.

  5. Sue Godden

    Thank you so much for very timely reminders about cultivating a tranquil mind. It was just what I needed to hear! I hope your trip goes well, and look forward to seeing you again when you get back. Keep well, and thank you again, dear Geshe La.

  6. Cynthia Bonell

    Travel safely dear Geshela and thank you for the on going support to us.

  7. carmen

    Very useful reminders: Tranquil Mind….. (good to reconsider) Thank you, Geshe la.

  8. Brian

    Thank You Geshela for your video message and Jamyang London for directing me to this message and site…….

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