A Hundred Deities of the Joyful Land Class 2

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This text, Ganden Hla Gyama or  A Hundred Deities of the Joyful Land, is the basis for Lama Tsongkhapa’s Guru Yoga practice and an excellent introduction to tantra.  It is one of the earliest texts dedicated to Lama Tsongkhapa, and includes key practices to bring us closer to him and his teachings. As Geshe la said recently, this short text is “important for us to learn.” 

As always, Geshe Tashi’s emphasis in these teachings will be on how we can best experience the material for ourselves.


Now starting on the main text, Geshe Tashi begins by explaining what Ganden Hla Gyama means.  Why “Joyful Land”?  Why one hundred deities?

He then gives detailed guidance on how to invoke and visualise a tantric merit field, the form of the deities, what they are holding, where they are, what it all symbolises, and how we should proceed.

He explains what omniscience is according to Master Dharmakirti and what the origin for it is in the sutras, siting Lord Buddha’s comments at the end of the Four Noble Truths Sutra.  Geshe Tashi helps us see just why the Buddha was just such an extraordinary being, and how we may have a shot at becoming such a being ourselves.


We look forward to seeing you over the next two Sundays in July, when Geshe la will be teaching from 3.30 to 5pm UK time.  This is a little longer than usual so he can continue to give us the same depth of detail and still finish the series.


With best wishes,


The Admin Team

You can find details of upcoming classes as well as the text available for download here.



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