A Buddhist Life with Geshe Tashi Tsering Ep.3 – How can we make a difference in the wider world?

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In this episode of Geshe-la’s new podcast series, “A Buddhist Life with Geshe Tashi Tsering”, Geshe Tashi speaks from his current experience in the monastery as he discusses His Holiness’s Daily Inspiration for the 27th February: can we make a difference in the wider world, and if so, how do we go about this without getting discouraged?

We hope you enjoy!

With best wishes as always,

Your Admin Team

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Sandie Burland

    Dearest Geshe La,
    It is wonderful catching up on your Pod casts and today’s topic was so relevant. I loved it. Thank you so much dear kind teacher.

  2. Carina

    Dear Geshe la,

    Many thanks for these lovely teachings and words of advice, and for taking the time to do this! It is much appreciated! This is a very important reminder! In Swedish there is an expression, many small streams together becomes a big river. Every little helps.

    Best wishes,


  3. Jane Sill

    Dear Geshe la

    Many thanks again. It is really interesting to see how some of the learning/debate structures are adapting to a more western style which am sure will open up more opportunities for exchanges with other young people outside the monastic environment and in other parts of the world. Thank you for sharing His Holiness’ thoughts. Was reminded of a saying, I think from Mahatma Gandhi but I may be mistaken: Be the change you want to see. It is good to hear that less plastic cups will be used. In Jamyang London, thankfully, mugs are back on the shelf! When I first went to India in the 1980s, I remember being given tea in small pottery cups which could be recycled – that was standard train fare. Also, meals on banana skins which could the be eaten by cows/monkeys afterwards, so no washing up and no waste! Hopefully, other practical ideas such as the ancient South Indian way of ventilating a house using hot air convection, will be rediscovered and save lots of electricity bills, not to mention solar panels. Thank you very much again. Wishing everyone a drier and more clement March and not too much more rain in Wales, Julie. Warm wishes all Jane

  4. Beverley Ferguson

    Thank you Geshe la for taking the time to record these podcasts and thinking of us all amongst your busy schedule. Much appreciated. It is so easy to lose sight of how we can make any difference in the world, especially at present. Starting small, where we are and who we connect with is a hopeful message. Good luck with all the young monks!

  5. carole

    So good to hear from you, … an utter pleasure as always!

    The paper cup issue matters of course it does, as it’s a good thought provoking analogy .
    But how about applying it to other habitual tendencies, …. all the unconscious little habits which sadly build up to the whole plastic construct of duality almost before we’ve noticed?
    Any tips for a quick, effective, non polluting incinerator for these?

    Delighted you’ve encouraged the talented younger monks towards debate.. they will enjoy it … may it be a lasting legacy for the monastery timetable .
    Wish we’d had that opportunity early in our lives.

    Love and heartfelt respect as always.

  6. Julie

    Greetings Geshe la from a storm lashed hillside in wild west Wales. Thank you for your kindness, thinking of us and sharing your wisdom and experiences. As an old fashioned human who does not “do” social media etc this has maybe been My First Ever Podcast… Thank you! (15 minutes is good time wise.) Your words for 27th February have moved me to tears, and inspired me. One significant action at a time. One paper cup at a time. One tree at a time. Thank you from the heart/Diolch o galon.

  7. Sue Godden

    Thank you very much for this extremely topical podcast, Geshe La! I’m in the UK with lots of rain but no storm damage, thank you for caring about your students here. I love the descriptions of what is happening at Sera Mey. We are so lucky to have our precious Teacher as Abbot, giving us a lot of insights into how monasteries work which I don’t think we would have had access to if not for you. Your point about paper cups is absolutely correct. We can all think “it’s only one” and “I’m one person and can’t make a difference” but we forget all those “ones” add up and have a big impact. Losar Tashi Delek, and I hope the Monlam season goes well for you.

  8. Francisca Beaver

    Thank you! A very timely reminder!! I very much appreciate the time and effort to make these podcasts available to us.

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